A critical look at onto-anthropology


  • Reinaldo Giraldo Díaz Universidad del Valle


Archeological genealogy, criticism, human nature, liberation from the faculty of judging, ethics, resistance


This text presents the criticism of German thinker Jürgen Habermas as well as an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Professor William González’s genealogical historiography of French thinker Michel Foucault, i.e. not having a normative foundation (Habermas) and given the impossibility if liberating the faculty to judge (González), the genealogy does not offer any way out of the subject’s philosophy and is left captive to the same aporias that he accuses the human sciences of. It is stated that both Habermas’ criticism and Professor William González’s analysis do not take into account the reach of the French thinker’s ethical preoccupation, i.e. that Foucault ethically not normatively bases his criticism, thus in Michel Foucault’s ethics there is the possibility of resistance (answer to Habermas) and liberation from the faculty of judging. (answer to Professor William González).


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