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Disinformation in the perception of internet users




Misinformation, fake news, social networks


This paper provides an overview of the proliferation of disinformation and how it reaches users around the world. The role of social networks is highlighted, as well as internet platforms in the spread of false news. On the other hand, the way in which users interact and disseminate information is analyzed, since currently, information is spread immediately practically without barriers and at no cost, thus allowing former recipients of messages to now become also in issuers of these, thus contributing to more spread of information or misinformation depending on the veracity of the messages in question. Cognitive bias, which omits the necessary critical analysis in the population to prevent or stop its proliferation, is considered part of this practice. The text is made up of an exploration of literature on information and its manifestations in the digital context.


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How to Cite

Disinformation in the perception of internet users. (2024). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 19(2), 143-165.

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