Las fundaciones y su concepción y gestión de la responsabilidad social
Social responsibility, Foundation, TypologiesAbstract
This paper is framed within entrepreneurial social responsibility based on the following premise: “The State cannot attend by itself, all the challenges that social development poses, this requires a joint cooperation of the companies and organizations of the social sector”. It can be inferred that social responsibility supposes a new challenge for the companies, which consists on expanding from its responsibility to the construction of a more fair society and sustainable by keeping and improving its own competitiveness. The organizations can exercise as true social agents, through the design and execution of programs of social action, among which we see the creation and the endorsement of foundations that have allowed the companies to get an entrepreneurial philosophy centered on mankind in motion, based on the need to respond to the people’s interests and to keep them in mind in the formulation of the goals and entrepreneurial strategies. According to Grunig (2003) in his model of public relations, we can appreciate how key variables that define a socially responsible company, the bi-management, its relations with the community or the key audiences that allow the dialogue, the consensus, which brings changes in attitude and behavior between the parties. Likewise, through the creation of foundations, which is how the companies achieved the consolidation of the subsidies, formerly disperse and transitory, on a stable destination, permanent and of public utility. Keeping as a premise the aforementioned situation, the work’s goal on first instance is to show how the managers of the foundations in Cartagena whose focus is financing small entrepreneurs understand social responsibility; keeping as a reference the classification proposed by Teixidó and Chavarri (1999) that support the models: Traditional of Social Development; Solidary Strategy; Friedminian Strategy; and the Systemic of Social Development. Secondly, from this vision, which one is the state in mention about social responsibility of the foundation and what strategies compose its implementation? And the third goal is, to conclude the paper, to discover or characterize a typology from the way the foundations are managing the social responsibility.
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