Collaborative Practices in the Supply Chain: a Conceptual Review




Collaborative advantage, collaboration, cooperation, collaborative practices, supply chain


In this article, a systematic literature review was conducted; academic articles published in English-language indexed journals were analyzed on the subject of collaborative practices in the supply chain. Using a defined analytical approach, the objective of the article was to describe a comprehensive conceptual framework of the most recurrent collaborative practices reported by the literature. The unit of analysis used was collaborative practice. The methodology used was to select articles that included the keywords: collaboration, cooperation and collaborative practices following these research questions: (i) How are generate collaborative advantages in such practices? (ii) How are obtain competitive advantage through collaborative practice? Among the main conclusions of the review we find that: (i) the competitive advantage cannot be obtained in isolation; (ii) nowadays, competition does not occur between companies but between supply chains; (iii) inter-firms collaboration is an evolutionary process that requires high standards of organization of the parties. In summary, collaborative practices in the supply chain have been carried out among suppliers, logistics operators, manufacturers and customers in the industry and services for more than twice decades; however, the conceptual study of these practices is a still emerging field of research and lacking a unified theoretical framework.


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How to Cite

Collaborative Practices in the Supply Chain: a Conceptual Review. (2019). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 14(2), 77-101.

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