Políticas de gobierno corporativo en el hotel las américas global resort de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias


  • Diego Cardona Arbeláez, DC




Corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, management, customers, employees, environment, community


This article focuses on the importance that Corporate Social Responsibility has today regarding the
Colombian business people’s plans. This concept has increasingly become stronger as shown in the opinion
surveys conducted by the main guilds in the country. This interest starts with the strategic social thinking
featured by the high management of a company under the corporate government since it puts into practice
the CSR systems and encourages all of those collaborating with the organization to seek transparency,
justice and ethics in the relationship with the clients, communities, providers and environment. The Las
Americas Global Resort hotel has turned into the icon for the hotel business sector in the city of Cartagena
de Indias with regard to the implementation of social responsibility policies and practices thanks to the
thinking, attitude and social sense (background) of its controlling shareholders; all of that results in a
business case to be highlighted considering its corporate government.


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How to Cite

Políticas de gobierno corporativo en el hotel las américas global resort de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias. (2012). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 7(1), 83-93. https://doi.org/10.18041/2382-3240/saber.2012v7n1.1789

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