Analysis and pr oposal of a pedagogical appr oach to organizational learning
Caldas Hydroelectric Power Plant (CHEC , from its Spanish acronym)
Significant learning, organizational learning, learning styles, multiple intelligences, pedagogical modelAbstract
The primary objective of this research is to determine the learning style of workers in the Human Resource and Organizational Management department at Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas S.A. E.S.P (CHEC). A descriptive approach was used. To this end, two different instruments were employed, namely the Honey-Alonso learning style questionnaire (CHAEA, from its Spanish acronym) and the Multiple Intelligences Self-evaluation Questionnaire (MISQ), both of which were administered to 45 staff members in the Human Resource and Organizational Management department at the company being reviewed. As a result, an approach is made to a pedagogical model of significant learning that addresses business requirements and the characteristics of the target audience. This research makes it possible to conclude that the pedagogical model that closely reflects the needs of workers in this study is based on significant learning.
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