Imaginaries and realities on the teaching processes - learning in the context of the education of children educators of the colombian caribbean
Teaching, Learning, Infant Education, ApproachesAbstract
The present article gives an account of the results of the research “Approaches of Teaching - Learning of the Teacher Educators of Infantile Educators in the State Universities of the Colombian Caribbean. 2013- 2016. “, Carried out with the objective of knowing the teaching - learning approaches of university professors in Early Childhood and / or Preschool Degrees, in the state universities of the Colombian Caribbean. The methodology used was non-experimental, based on the observation of phenomena as they occur in their natural context, and then analyzed. Among the most relevant results is a vision of teaching based on the learning of your student, as well as the evidence of pedagogical strategies, from this teaching approach, which allows the active participation of students, but in the same way They are open to changes that may occur in the development of a class
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