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Environmental sustainability practices in the metal mechanical industry: challenges and opportunities for small and medium enterprises in the city of Cartagena de Indias




Environmental practices, SMEs, metal mechanical, sustainable development


The purpose of this research is to analyze the environmental sustainability practices implemented by small and medium-sized companies also called SMEs in the metal-mechanical sector in the city of Cartagena, to contrast them with the good environmental practices that should be developed by companies that work in favor of sustainable development. The methodology used for this study is quantitative and was transversal and field-based; the sample was non-probabilistic by convenience; it was made up of 120 companies out of a population of 662 SMEs according to the data of the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena. The results indicate that a representative group of the companies analyzed has undergone a positive change towards environmental care, which has resulted in water-saving programs in their production processes; However, regarding energy consumption, although some SMEs have adopted energy-saving measures, a significant number of companies have not yet implemented them, which shows a lack of energy-saving culture; concerning gas emissions, there is evidence of the absence of measurement systems, which leads to a lack of knowledge of how they are impacting the environment. In conclusion, although some SMEs in the metal-mechanical sector in Cartagena have adopted environmental practices in their production processes, challenges remain regarding the lack of ecological awareness and the implementation of programs to reduce the environmental impact of their production processes, which are barriers to the strengthening of an organizational culture oriented to sustainable development.


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How to Cite

Environmental sustainability practices in the metal mechanical industry: challenges and opportunities for small and medium enterprises in the city of Cartagena de Indias. (2024). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 19(2), 321-339.

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