Alterations of the oral language in institutionalized children in community homes: Prevalence and determinants
Language, child, vulnerable population, language disorders, language tests, social environment, child day care centersAbstract
Introduction: Alteration of the language can cause low academic performance and possible school dropout, especially in children from socially and educationally disadvantaged families.
Objective: To determine the prevalence and describe the determinants associated with alterations of oral language in children from community homes (HC) that are attended by the Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (ICBF).
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional observational study. Were included 261 children aged 3-5 years. The TECAL and TEPROSIF-R test were used to evaluate the language and a survey of sociodemographic characteristics. The odds ratio was determined to quantify the degree of association. The multivariate model and stepwise backward method were used to selected the variables.
Results: The 54.7% of the children were male, 55.2% entered the garden in the range of 24 to 35 months and 20.3% of the children were part of a family victim of armed conflict. The frequency of oral language alterations was 46.7%, the most common language was mix alteration with 18.4%, followed by alteration of the expressive level (15.3%). The variables occupation of the father (ORa: 2.35) and being a victim of the armed conflict with (ORa: 1.86) possibly explain independently the alterations of language in children attending the HC of the ICBF.
Conclusions: The prevalence of oral language disorders in children attending HC is high; two social variables with an association are detected: the occupation of the father and the victim of the armed conflict, studies with an analytical approach are considered to find factors of protection and risk.
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