Prevalence of tuberculosis and risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in close contacts of patients in a penitentiary center in the municipality of Palmira, Colombia


  • Blanca L Fernandez Programa de Control de TB, Secretaría de salud, Palmira, Colombia
  • Diana Fernanda Palacios Castañeda Hospital Raúl Orejuela Bueno, Departamento de salud pública, Palmira, Colombia
  • Robinson Pacheco Grupo de Investigación en Epidemiología y Servicios, Facultad de Salud, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia



prison, prisoners, pulmonary tuberculosis, latent tuberculosis, risk


Introduction: Latent tuberculosis in penitentiary institutions is more frequent. Factors such as overcrowding, malnutrition and limited access to health services increased the risk of reactivation, transmission and poor prognosis.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection and describe risk factors associated to inmates of a prison.
Methods: Multi-method Operational Research. Cross-sectional study. Prospective follow-up was carried out through the epidemiological surveillance records of the TB control program to determine the prevalence of Pulmonary tuberculosis in the following two years, and risk factors for developing pulmonary tuberculosis in the population of inmates.
Results: Of 2,837 inmates incarcerated (2015-2016), 10.0% were close contact of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Overall prevalence of TST positivity was 90.7%, and 92.5% in the population with BCG scar. When were compared to population of inmates + vs population of inmates - groups, those inmates allocated in yard #1 were more likely to be TST+ (p = 0.008). When comparing the groups latent vs active TB, statistical significance was found with having a BMI less than or equal to 18.5 (p = 0.027), OR 5.385 (CI 1.016-28.53). The indirect follow-up through surveillance records showed nine inmates tuberculosis 2 years after the initial diagnosis.
Conclusion: The prison permit concentrate and magnifies determinants that favor the tuberculosis transmission and development to active tuberculosis, which demands strategies for tuberculosis prevention, humanization of the conditions of the population of inmates, and improvement of the health condition.


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Author Biography

  • Diana Fernanda Palacios Castañeda, Hospital Raúl Orejuela Bueno, Departamento de salud pública, Palmira, Colombia

    Grupo de Investigación en Epidemiología y Servicios, Facultad de salud, Universidad Libre, Cali-Colombia

    Hospital Raúl Orejuela Bueno, Departamento de salud pública Palmira-Colombia


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2019-06-28 — Updated on 2022-09-30




Original Articles

How to Cite

Prevalence of tuberculosis and risk of pulmonary tuberculosis in close contacts of patients in a penitentiary center in the municipality of Palmira, Colombia. (2022). Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 2(1), e-020. (Original work published 2019)

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