Copyright Policy

When the authors proposing a paper for publication,  accept the conditions contained in the authors' guide and transfer to the IJEPH Journal the patrimonial rights over this article, so that the Journal may edit, publish, reproduce, disseminate, commercialize, translate or authorize its translation into any language.

The rights transferred include the publication of the article by any means, whether printed, magnetic or electronic, or by any other support or means of dissemination that exists or may be created in the future, as well as the publication of publications through the granting of total or partial licenses to third parties.

Proposed papers must be original and unpublished, and may not be submitted to any other journal while they are under consideration by the IJEPH.

All papers will be published with full knowledge of the authors.

The signed articles are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the journal, the Universidad Libre or the institution to which the authors are affiliated.