Prevalence and risk factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in a prison in Cali Colombia




Risk, Tuberculosis, Prisoners


Background: Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PT) is a public health problem in the world and is exacerbated in prison centers.

Objective: to determine the prevalence and risk factors of PT transmission in a prison center in Cali, Colombia, 2013 - 2014. Methods: Study of cases and controls. By institutional registry of the Villahermosa prison, reported 5,815 persons deprived of liberty during the study period; Of these 98 were cases and 98 controls.

Results: The prevalence of PT was 1.68%. The median age was 29.8 years (RIQ 23-33.5), the predominant ethnic group was mestizo with 55% (108/196), single marital status 57% (112/196), secondary education level 75% (129/196), socioeconomic level two, 71% (138/196), subsidized insurance 99% (194/196) and construction employment 71% (123/196). The probability of developing PT in this prison is explained by malnutrition (OR= 17.53 95% CI 4.06-76.78, p= 0.01), and HIV infection (OR= 8.93 IC 95 % 1.07-74.18 p= 0.04)

Conclusions: The dynamics of the transmission of PT is determined not only by the health conditions of individuals, but also by the characteristics of the environment where they interact as social beings. TB control programs should conduct indicator analysis in prison centers independently of the general population in order to implement prevention and control strategies focused on risk management.


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Author Biography

  • Sirley Isabel Muegues, Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, Bogotá D. C, Colombia

    1 Grupo de Investigación en Epidemiología y Servicios, Universidad Libre, Cali, Colombia.

    2 Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores, Bogotá D. C, Colombia


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— Updated on 2023-06-14


How to Cite

Prevalence and risk factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in a prison in Cali Colombia. (2023). Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 1(2), e-010. (Original work published 2018)

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