Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in a Cohort of Children in the Colombian Pacific Coast 2009- 2013
Tuberculosis, Pulmonary tuberculosis, child, cohort, ColombiaAbstract
Introduction: The diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in children is a challenge in all tuberculosis programs. The adverse social and economic conditions of the Colombian Pacific Coast make it a complex area for the management of the disease, especially in children.
Objective: To describe the demographic and clinical characteristics, and the outcomes in the pediatric population with pulmonary tuberculosis in Buenaventura, Colombia. Methods: We conducted a descriptive observational study of a historical cohort (2009-2013) of children enrolled in the tuberculosis control program of Buenaventura.
Results: A total of 163 cases were found and analyzed. There was no significant difference in sex distribution. The most frequent age group was 1-5 years (51%) and 55% belonged to the subsidized health system. The clinical TB diagnosis prevailed (55%), while the laboratory diagnosis was significant in patients older than 7 years. 92% entered the program as new cases, and 40% had their treatment finished at discharge. Adherence to treatment compliance was less than 50% in both phases of treatment. The incidence of childhood pulmonary tuberculosis during the study period ranged between 2 and 4 x 100,000 inhabitants. There were inconsistences in the information between the Tuberculosis program of the Municipality and the National Surveillance System of Colombia.
Conclusion: The social and political difficulties in depressed areas of Buenaventura, a remote town in the Pacific Coast of Colombia, have a negative impact on the control of TB, despite strategies of childhood pulmonary tuberculosis based on timely diagnosis and treatment; effective follow-up of cases; study of contacts; and efficient, timely notification.
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