Reviewer guidelines
Dear reviewer, Below is a questionnaire with questions to answer regarding the article assigned to your name. You can make suggestions directly in the form of comments on the article text that will be sent to the authors.
Item |
1. Originality: The central theme of the article is original |
2. METHODOLOGICAL RIGOR: The type of study is clearly described and corresponds to the results |
Is there coherence between the objective and the results? |
3. STRUCTURE OF THE TEXT: Clear, concise and precise title |
Includes all article sections (summary, introduction, keywords, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographical references) |
Is there a correspondence between the title, the abstract, and the content? |
4. TREATMENT OF THE TOPIC: It presents an adequate sequence and coherence in the development of the subject? |
5. RELEVANCE: The article is important for the scientific community and the advancement of knowledge in the area |
The contributions of the author present coherence and strength in the discussion? |
6. FORMAL ASPECTS OF THE ARTICLE: Style (clarity, conciseness, precision and coherence) |
Grammar (concordance, punctuation, and spelling) |
Are references sufficient, recent, relevant, and adequate? |
Note on comments: only to editor (could put any comments to the editor) |