Caracterización del sector cooperativo de ahorro y crédito en el Valle del Cauca
Cooperative, solidarity economy, super solidarity, credit and saving specialized cooperativesAbstract
The article presents a characterization of the credit and saving cooperative sector in Valle del Cauca, which is one of the objectives to develop in the research project Credit and Saving Cooperative Sector Analysis and strategy proposal for the Cooperativa de Ahorro del Valle case of the Accounting Productivity and Management research group. The study shows the dynamic growth that has had over the last five years the credit and saving cooperative sector in Valle del Cauca, contributing to Colombia’s banking, it[s also revised the solidarity economy sector in Colombia, presenting statistics that allows to visualize what this sector represents for the country’s economy. There are identified the entities in charge of the credit and saving activity in Valle del Cauca, posing the differences between these entities and the traditional financial sector[s banking establishments, remarking the contribution of the credit and saving cooperatives to the National Government strategy defined like the banking of opportunities, since in these entities there is social equality for the partners, achieving that more people accede to the financial services, contributing to the economic development of the places where they function.
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