Evaluation of the quality of the breast cancer program of the Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Cali - Consultorio Rosado


  • Luis Alberto Reyes Programa de Oncología Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Cali, Colombia
  • Saul Diaz Navarro Estadística y Gestión Documental, Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Cali, Colombia
  • Alden Pool Gómez Programa de Oncología Hospital de San Juan de Dios, Cali, Colombia




Breast cancer, indicators, program evaluation, quality, opportunity, lethality


Introduction: In Colombia, breast cancer is considered a public health problem, it is the most frequent in women. To address this problem, WHO proposed to develop promotion and prevention programs, guaranteeing detection Early and timely treatment. These programs require continuous evaluation and improvement in their different stages of development, with the aim of guaranteeing quality in health care.

Objective: Evaluate the quality in terms of process and results indicators of the "Pink Office" program of the Hospital of San Juan de Dios, in the care of patients with breast cancer in Cali Colombia, 2017-2018

Methods: An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was conducted in patients diagnosed with breast cancer. Information from 329 clinical records and data reported by the Hospital of San Juan de Dios de Cali to the Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVIGILA) by breast cancer diagnosis was analyzed. The indicators defined by the Cuenta de Alto Costo were calculated.

Results: The evaluation showed compliance in six of the twelve indicators of the CAC, and percentage of performance of conservative surgery (cuadrantectomy) in patients with in situ and infiltrating stage, cancer detection in state in situ, biopsy prior to surgical procedure, palliative care assessment.

 Conclusion: It is considered imperative to improve the clinical record and reduce barriers to access diagnostic and treatment services to ensure timely care and improve the prognosis of patients with this pathology.


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2019-12-30 — Updated on 2022-10-05




Original Articles

How to Cite

Reyes, L. A., Diaz Navarro, S., & Pool Gómez, A. (2022). Evaluation of the quality of the breast cancer program of the Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Cali - Consultorio Rosado. Interdisciplinary Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health, 2(2), e-024. https://doi.org/10.18041/2665-427X/ijeph.2.5692 (Original work published 2019)

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