Curricular and didactic perspectives of field trips in bachelor’s degrees in Social Sciences of the Colombian Caribbean
Field trips, prospects, curriculum, didactics, training, social sciencesAbstract
This article presents a reflection from a qualitative research at the master’s level, focused on characterizing the didactic and curricular perspectives of field trips in training programs in Social Sciences in the Colombian Caribbean (University of Córdoba, University of Cartagena and Universidad del Atlántico), in order to re-signify the foundations of the training process of the new Bachelor of Social Sciences, taking into account the requirements and needs of the context. The study implemented as a data collection technique, semi-structured interviews with teachers, students and directors of the participating educational institutions and the documentary review of curricular guidelines and normative provisions for teacher training programs in Colombia. In this sense seven didactic and curricular perspectives were identified (7): academic, systemic, formative, integrating, transversal, developing and transforming, which arose from the appreciations of the voices of the teachers, managers and students of the three participating universities.
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