Efficiency of midsize enterprises in the free-trade-zone in Barranquilla – Colombia





Efficiency, free trade zone, export, Data Envelopment Analysis


In this investigation, the efficiency of midsize companies in the free-trade-zones of Barranquilla was analyzed. For this, a model supported by Data Envelopment Analysis structure (DEA) was proposed which required a rational analysis to define input and output variables in order to measure and test the efficiency of 63 companies under study in 2016 and 2017. The Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla with which an empirical analysis was performed to measure the efficiency of the sector provided primary information. The research showed that from 2016-2017 the percentage of efficient enterprises improved from 11.11% to 17.46% while 6.34% of companies maintain their efficiency, 42.85% showed improvements and 50. 79% of companies decreased their efficiency.


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How to Cite

Efficiency of midsize enterprises in the free-trade-zone in Barranquilla – Colombia. (2019). Entramado, 15(2), 12-26. https://doi.org/10.18041/1900-3803/entramado.2.5476

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