Internet and its potential in the strategic marketing Price
A theoretical and empirical approach
e-marketing, Internet, Prices, Strategy, strategic marketingAbstract
The dynamics of the processes of digital technology development was gave by the convergence of the information and communications technology, in which today is called Internet. The prior has been pointed as an effective strategic tool for competitive advantage in business, which managed to interrelate, expand, and internationalize the markets in a digital network, improving the relationship with customers. The purpose of this study was to perform of international literature review of potential strategic digital marketing, from the perspective of prices and review the progress of the digital technology infrastructure, in a comparative way. The work was addressed in a descriptive analysis of previous work and quantitative facts from the international market, in the periods analyzed, considering the digital infrastructure. The results showed the progress of international literature and the empirical advances in online shopping in the world by region. The article concluded that prices on the Internet did not induce downward trend or the perfect market hypothesis. Likewise, the developed countries and Asia-Pacific led the digital market, while Latin America showed commercial prudence.
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