The research from a epistemological reference as contribution to the missional reflection of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Colombia


  • Martha Isabel Cabrera-Otálora
  • Libia Esperanza Nieto-Gómez
  • Reinaldo Giraldo-Díaz



Analysis of education, higher education and research centres, innovation and invention, processes and incentives, management of technological innovation and the I D, public policy


Research in modern societies, also known as societies of information and/or knowledge, plays a fundamental role as pillar of development and of economic, scientific, technological and social progress of the countries. In this article derived from research, research in Colombia is examined taking into account the approach of loops from the epistemological referent of complex thinking. Methodologically, the principles that appear in the Colombian regulations are analyzed (taking into account the supranational provisions), considering the challenges imposed by the technologies of information and communication technology (ICT) in the light of the contemporary crisis of humanism. It was found that in Colombia the knowledge is primarily managed around that implies or means higher profit and progress, to the detriment of the social function of all and that there are four challenges faced by the Colombian Higher Education Institurions (HEI) regarding research: social; ICT; economic; quality and certification of programs. It was concluded that the HEI should review brackets epistemic underpinning its investigative processes in order to contemplate the four goals that demand the Colombian context according to the improvement or the search for alternatives to the crisis of humanism


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How to Cite

The research from a epistemological reference as contribution to the missional reflection of Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in Colombia. (2016). Entramado, 12(2), 188-202.

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