Curr ent scope on brand concept. A comparative study throughout history


  • Samuel David Cepeda Palacio Universidad Santo Tomás


Brands, signs/symbols, brand identification, perception, social transformations


The current economic context shows brands as one of its most relevant protagonist, as elements able to promote consumption and generate impacts in different spaces of the society, it is then necessary to study the different conceptions of brands with the purpose of consider the reach of distinctive signs in the actual global culture. By using the constant comparison method which included experts interviews, documental research and triangulation with theoretical referents, it is possible to see the way brands change their present reach, which is bigger day by day and possess an effect that expands through many disciplines and social spheres.


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How to Cite

Curr ent scope on brand concept. A comparative study throughout history. (2017). Entramado, 10(2), 128-142.

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