The effect of green coffee water content on the pr operties of roast coffee
Quality of roasted coffee, coffee bean water content, main components, tasting panel, coffee characterizationAbstract
During the coffee roasting process, coffee beans undergo a progressive series of physical, chemical, and organoleptic changes that are dependent upon the condition of the beans. Consequently, this work provides a comparison of various kinds of roasted coffee processed from screen 17 green coffee containing 8, 11.8, 15, and 17% water levels on a dry basis using a conventional roasting process, separately, at 210°C for 12 minutes. The quality attributes or response variables were subjected to an analysis of the main components. This statistical analysis tool has been little used in interpreting the quality of roasted coffee. This technique demonstrated that density, acidity, weight loss, water activity, and rupture stress are the characteristics responsible for this discrimination. The variance accounted for was greater than 80%. Correlation coefficients between the various directly-related properties were above 70%. Screen 17 parchment coffee beans with an initial 17% water content produce roast beans that exhibit the highest density, acidity, weight loss, water activity, and rupture stress without experiencing a change in their quality attributes. Based on these results, it can be affirmed that processing homogenous raw materials with water contents above 12% is an interesting proposition for industrializing coffee, provided that the beans are properly stored.
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