Penitentiary mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution between inmates in the penitentiary setting


  • Enrique Pastor Seller Universidad de Murcia
  • Elena Huertas Pérez Universidad de Murcia


Penitentiary mediation, interpersonal conflicts, peaceful conflict resolution, and social intervention in the penitentiary setting


Penitentiary mediation is a method of peaceful conflict resolution among inmates, based on dialog and respect, which makes it possible for individuals involved to assume responsibility for their conduct, and to assume a prominent role in the process and in the actual peaceful resolution of conflicts. The central objective of this research is to demonstrate the viability of using mediation in the penitentiary setting as an alternative for resolving interpersonal conflicts between inmates. In order to do this, first of all, the institutional and legal mechanisms of interpersonal conflict resolution in Spanish penitentiary centers are analyzed. Next, the penitentiary population is characterized by comparative analysis, thus identifying the existing services and/or projects of mediation. Lastly, the conflicts and the viability of application of mediation in a concrete penitentiary center are analyzed, based on the stakeholders. In order to carry out the investigation, primary and secondary sources have been used, of a quantitative as well as a qualitative nature. The results of this research confirm that mediation is viable and effective in a penitentiary setting.


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How to Cite

Penitentiary mediation as an alternative method of conflict resolution between inmates in the penitentiary setting. (2017). Entramado, 8(2), 139-153.

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