Do human resource departments add value to organizations in the industrial zone in Duitama and Sogamoso in Boyacá?
Value added, human resource management departments, strategic behavior, company strategy, aligned competencesAbstract
This research is aimed at establishing whether or not human resource departments contribute to the bottom-line of companies located in the industrial zones in Duitama and Sogamoso in Boyacá. A deductive-quantitative approach was used. The sample selected for this study consists of ten companies (five local and five multinational companies) employing more than 150 employees and having consolidated human resource departments. The following instruments were used: surveys, well-structured personal interviews, and direct observations of human resource department managers. The findings show that the leadership dimension creates an atmosphere in an organization that makes it possible to learn, grow, and develop oneself, as well as to develop competencies which are aligned with the organizational strategy. They also demonstrate that, at the companies reviewed in this study, organizational projection ensures implementation of human resource practices in line with a desired culture, as well as the identification of said culture in order to achieve company strategies. Based on this research, it can be concluded that human resource departments add value to the companies located in the industrial zones in Duitama and Sogamoso in Boyacá.
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