El Sistema de información en la propiedad horizontal y su relación con los procesesos contableses Omar Javier Solano Rodríguez *Artículo de reflexión original


  • Ximena Sánchez Mayorga Universidad del Valle
  • Omar Javier Solano Rodríguez Universidad del Valle


Horizontal property, Internal Control, Information Systems, Accounting processes


The computer systems with the latest technological developments will permit major changes in the accounting and operational structures of buildings and residential property regime subject to horizontal and organizations in general. In the field of information systems the changes will be momentous. This article illustrates an overview of the information system and its interface with accounting processes; identifies the basic structure of electronic data processing (EDP), and includes features, providing the reader with the relationship between the processes with automated accounting to implement controls. To conclude presenting a generic approach on the support it can and must provide internal control computer, in which their accounting processes are automated.


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How to Cite

El Sistema de información en la propiedad horizontal y su relación con los procesesos contableses Omar Javier Solano Rodríguez *Artículo de reflexión original. (2008). Entramado, 4(1), 28-41. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/entramado/article/view/3329

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