Perspectives on value chain in agriculture: a semi-systematic review of the literature.




Cadena de valor agrícola, revisión semisistemática, agricultura, partes interesadas, desarrollo rural, pequeño agricultor


The agricultural value chain comprises a series of interconnected stages to add value to food products from production to final consumption. Throughout this process, various actors collaborate and contribute specifically to improve the quality and value of the product. Each link in the chain adds value to the product, from planting and harvesting to processing, transportation, marketing, and sale to the consumer. This semi-systematic literature review focuses on synthesizing and examining the most significant elements in the research of this field, as well as discerning the ongoing debates surrounding the chain derived from agricultural production. This study's results reveal various important research topics, organized into six main categories: quality of life and income, entrepreneurship and understanding of the chain, market context, innovation and technology, sustainability and food security, and risks related to perishability and post-harvest losses. This information is relevant for understanding the current state of research and the main challenges faced by the various actors participating in the agricultural value chain, from producers to final consumers. Addressing these issues is crucial for improving efficiency, sustainability, and security in the food production chain.


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Author Biography

  • Ivan-Dario Medina-Rojas, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO), Bogotá - Colombia

    Doctorado en Agrociencias Universidad de La Salle.  Profesor-Investigador Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO), Bogotá - Colombia 


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Perspectives on value chain in agriculture: a semi-systematic review of the literature. (2024). Entramado, 21(1), e-11796.

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