Category criteria for Colombian journals Publindex. Comparative analysis with information systems: Dialnet, Latindex, Redalyc, and SciELO
Scientific journals, Sources of information, Indexing service, Bibliometrics, ColombiaAbstract
This article presents a descriptive-comparative and documentary analysis of the categorization criteria established by Publindex, prioritizing the international visibility necessary to include journals in bibliographic databases under the Journal Inclusion System of MinCiencias and observing that, in the last measurement calls, a high percentage of publications did not achieve categorization. Going from 91% of publications with categorization in 2012, to 55% in 2021. The aim is to establish the level of demand and contribution of the inclusion criteria of Dialnet, Latindex, Redalyc, and SciELO concerning compliance with the guidelines proposed by MinCiencias in the calls for measurement of Colombian journals. After a systematic review, it is concluded that editorial committees should rigorously analyze the requirements of the model and establish strategies to project publications to the international context, building networks and editorial practices with global requirements based on the inclusion criteria of the information and indexing systems. Likewise, the institutions that endorse the journals should establish regulations to guarantee economic support for inspecting and validating the information, manage access to international sources to increase their visibility, and comply with the procedures of the categorization model.
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