Academic writing and its contribution to learning. What do university professors think? Analysis of the literature




Conceptions, Academic Writing, University Teacher, Teaching, Learning


The aim of this article is to present the results of an exploratory literature review of university professors' conceptions of academic writing in 35 research articles found in the Scopus, Web of Science, Ebsco and Scielo databases. Content analysis was used to identify the definition of writing conceptions and their theoretical trends, the methodologies that have been used to investigate them, the disciplines that have been interested in this topic in terms of research, and the trends of these conceptions. The results show that the conceptions are situated in an instrumental communicative function explained from social representations or implicit theories, but there is little recognition of mediation in the learning of scientific disciplines. The areas of greatest research are the social sciences, humanities and natural sciences, and qualitative techniques such as in-depth interviews and content analysis are predominant as methodological decisions in these studies. These results are important inputs for the elaboration of intervention and pedagogical innovation programs for higher education teachers.


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Author Biographies

  • Karina Alejandra Arenas-Hernández, Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia

    Professor, Academic Program of Speech Therapy (School of Human Rehabilitation), Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia.

  • Sandra Patricia  Rojas-Rojas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile - Chile

    Academic and researcher (Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Chemistry and Biology) Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile - Chile


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How to Cite

Academic writing and its contribution to learning. What do university professors think? Analysis of the literature. (2024). Entramado, 20(2), e-11080.

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