Behaviour of the tourist consumer
Consumer behavior, Tourist destination, Tourist product, Tourist marketingAbstract
This work is the result of a partial investigation “Consumption dynamic, analysis of Villavicencio, Meta (Colombia) as a tourist destination” developed as a partial requirement to opt for the title of Magister in Marketing of the Manizales University, by the two authors. It is presented a compilation of diverse theories about the consumer behavior applied to tourism. The methodologies used during the investigation were qualitative and quantitative. There were hypothesis proposed, and the data collection of the 385 surveys was processed in SPSS version 18; for the descriptive analysis it was used the analysis function of the conglomerates in K-medias and the correlation of Spearman. The quantitative analysis was developed through 18 structured interviews. For the fieldwork, the primary source was tourists from different ages that went to Villavicencio, Meta (Colombia) to whom were applied the instruments in specific events
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