The Social Media Applied to the Teaching Practice as a Pedagogical-didactic Strategy in Higher Education


  • Carlos Enrique Grande-Núñez
  • José Eriberto Cifuentes-Medina



ICT, Social networks, survey, Teaching practices


Objective: Educating with the mediation of technology leads to encouraging and promoting the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), to achieve compatibility with new ways of working and studying according to the reflection of a reality in which students and teachers are immersed; this is, therefore, necessary to optimize the training process in higher education Method: The information goes through an analysis to then obtain elements that account for the state of social networks in teaching practice by the group of teachers surveyed. Results: Education establishes a relationship with social changes, so today it is possible to speak of its global positioning. With the changes come new ways, styles of teaching that are now influenced by ICT as support in the teaching and learning process. Within this reality are social networks (SR) applied to education, with significant results but perhaps some still insipient in the context. Discussion and conclusions: The implementation of the Educational Social Networks (CSR) at a higher level, according to the question-naire to collect information, can be related to the knowledge, use, and concerns regarding this pedagogical strategy that leads to dynamize the teaching and learning process.


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Pedagogy and Sociology of Education

How to Cite

The Social Media Applied to the Teaching Practice as a Pedagogical-didactic Strategy in Higher Education. (2021). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 16(1), 233-251.

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