Desarrollo de actividades de emprendimiento con innovación y responsabilidad social en los hoteles de la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias
Social responsibility, hotels, innovation, entrepreneurship, netsAbstract
In this article we present a study on the development of managerial and innovation activities within the politics of social responsibility in 58 hotels of Cartagena de Indias, we evaluate the perception that the workers have on the degree of innovation, the source where all the innovations come from, their degree of relevance and the main hurdles to innovate. Besides we estimated the number of workers that have undertaken entrepreneurial activities, highlighting aspects like: their socio economical features, their attitude before fear of failure, their motivations, their managerial knowledge, innovation and social responsibility, the relationship between entrepreneurship and the perception on financial, legal and fiscal obstacles. The aforementioned is done through the analysis of multiple correspondences and cluster. Finally, we evaluated the perception the workers had on the qualities of the entrepreneurs, calculating the symmetry of the punctuations obtained.
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