Bibliometric analysis of the dynamics between Social Responsibility and Financial Performance
Business Performance, Financial Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Social ResponsibilityAbstract
The dynamics between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance (FD) is an issue that has taken on a relative importance in the dynamics of the business and social fabric, an appreciation that is supported by the changes of market unification and the constant transformations in the behavior of stakeholders, where not only is the achievement of returns for its shareholders relevant, but it also incorporates factors of a social and environmental nature, therefore, the objective of this work was to review the correlation observed between CSR and DF, bibliometric review developed for the time window between the years 2000 to 2021, based on a review of scientific writings housed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, where 1,188 articles were identified, decanting 219 publications for the application of the bibliometric analysis that best fit the object of study, analyzing the scientific findings by country and with dyes; the methodologies used, the topics addressed, among other variables, showing that the review of the topic covers 68.9% of the total publications, in the same way the countries with the greatest activity are the United States, China and Spain with 40% of the total publications. It is concluded that the analysis has become an important factor for the business sector and the social system, a practice that is gaining relative strength as a value proposition aligned with the objectives of sustainable development that society requires to guarantee the survival of future generations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Acevedo-Amorocho, María Ana-Martina Chía-Suárez, María Teresa Cala-Díaz, Luis Hernando Restrepo-Sierra

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