The Imaginary About University Professional Training and the Labor Market in Young Management Students of Generation Z. Comparative Analysis Between France and Mexico


  • Gerardo Romo-Morales Licenciado en Sociología, Maestro en Administración Pública, Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología.
  • Sophie Agulhon Profesora investigadora titular de gestión en el Laboratorio de Economía de Saint-Denis (LED) de la Universidad de París VIII VincennesSaint-Denis, Francia. Encargada de las relaciones internacionales del polo, Gestión de su facultad. Desarrolló un postdoctorado en Gestión en la Universidad de Angers, Francia. Doctorado en Ciencias de los riesgos con orientación en Gestión de la Escuela Nacional de ingenieros MINES ParisTech, tiene además dos Másteres del Cnam París en Gestión y Seguros.



Social imaginary, vocational training, youth, generation Z, management schools


In this article, we analyze the role played by the social imaginary of the young people of generation Z, in their formal education processes as well as in their professional learning. For this analysis we worked with students between the ages of 18 and 25 from Mexico and France. Specifically with Mexicans from different university centers of a public university in the State of Jalisco, and Frenchmen from equivalent institutions in the Paris region who study careers related to administrative sciences. We sought that the comparative analysis had correlational meaning, that the young participants, in addition to their age, had relatively similar socioeconomic conditions and cultural access. It is assumed from the beginning that we would find some significant differences in the institutional frameworks, however, the explicit intention was to focus on the coincidences that we could attribute to the study generation and its assumed global characteristics. This study consists of two main phases: in the first, semi-structured interviews were used as data collection, and in the second, the information obtained was analyzed in order to identify patterns and trends in the responses of the participants. In this way, we were able to characterize the social imaginary of generation Z linked to the world of work, and their constant and systematic doubts about institutions and their correlation with obtaining a good job. In general, the study is part of the analysis of the identity processes of the generations, and the weight that the imaginary and the institutions have in these.


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How to Cite

The Imaginary About University Professional Training and the Labor Market in Young Management Students of Generation Z. Comparative Analysis Between France and Mexico. (2024). Saber, Ciencia Y Libertad, 19(1), 184-203.

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