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Socials representations of retirement from a teachers group pre retired perspective




Health, Teachers, Retirement, Social Values, Colombia


Objective: To identify the social representations of the retirement of a group of early retired teachers from Palmira.
Methods: A qualitative study of social representations was carried out, 50 named teachers selected by purposive intentional sampling participated, who were in the process of retirement during the first semester of 2018. The “free list” was used as a collection instrument, a structural analysis was carried out of social representations under the central nucleus theory.
Results: The group of teachers agrees in most of the words that are evoked in relation to retirement. It is evident that the expectations they have regarding the possibility of retiring from work are related to rest, travel and fun that are projected to be carried out as a family. The fact of thinking about the role of pensioner generates a feeling of fear of facing a new experience with significant changes in the use of time, the risk of loneliness due to leaving the group of co-workers. On the other hand, fear is also associated with the consequences of old age, such as the presence of illness and death.
Conclusion: Retirement is perceived as the opportunity to rest and as a reward for the work of a working life, there is fear associated with illness and death.


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— Updated on 2021-11-24




Scientific or technological research article

How to Cite

Zúñiga, J. F., Martínez Álvarez, L. A., Ordoñez Hernández, C. A., & Aguilera Velasco, M. de los A. (2021). Socials representations of retirement from a teachers group pre retired perspective. Revista Colombiana De Salud Ocupacional, 11(2).

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