Educational strategies included in the maternal and perinatal health care route (RIAMP) to reduce maternal mortality in Colombia
maternity, Health care, strategy, education, maternal mortality, mortality reductionAbstract
Background: Maternal mortality compromises the health of the mother and the newborn, In Colombia with resolution 3280 of 2018 that dictates the guidelines of the care route in perinatal maternal health RIAMP, provides educational strategies during prenatal control to reduce of maternal mortality.
Objective: Identify the pedagogical strategies that aim to reduce maternal mortality in Colombia.
Methods: Through a narrative review between 2019 and 2021, in Pudmed, Medline, Scopus, Scielo databases; with the following equation "educational AND strategies AND maternal AND mortality", 180 articles were obtained, of which 2 were selected. A second review was carried out, 994 works were obtained from repositories of higher education institutions, in the end 15 works were included, I discard one because it spoke of infant death; The quality of the article and works were evaluated under the Merino 2013 criteria.
Results: Most of the educational strategies follow the guidelines proposed by RIAMP, there are very few educational innovations that explain significant results in maternal mortality, such as music therapy in anxiety management and the effectiveness of video clips for prenatal control assistance and pain management.
Conclusion: The narrative review allowed the identification of effective educational strategies for the reduction of maternal deaths, such as those mediated by ICT, music therapy and video clips. The effectiveness of educational strategies belonging to the RIAMP in reducing maternal mortality should continue to be evaluated.
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