Evaluation of results of the oral health program in population between 0 to 17 years old
Oral health, CEO Index, COP IndexAbstract
Background: The national public health plan established goals for objectives defined as priorities in public health, including improving oral health. The fulfillment of these goals is related to achievements obtained in basic levels of care.
Objective: To evaluate the Oral health care program in the child population in a first-level outpatient center in the city of Cali.
Methods: Evaluation of the results of an oral health program with two measurements: one measurement was carried out in March 2019 and another in March 2020. The study focused on analyzing the data collected on RIPS and the COP and CEO indices of patients.
Results: The CEO index of patients between 0-5 years old at the beginning was 2.49 and at the end it was 2.51, which increased the indicator by 0.02, being outside the goal established by the PDSP, for patients between 6-17 years at the beginning of the study in 2.00 and at the end of the study in 1.99, for this population the COP index decreased by 0.01.
Conclusion: The CEO index (patients 0-5 years-old) did not obtain expected results from the oral health program, the indicator increased by 0.02, being outside the goal of the PDSP, the COP index (patients 6-17 years-old) although it decreased at 0.01, it did not represent a real improvement in the oral health of the population.
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- 2023-07-18 (3)
- 2020-12-30 (2)
- 2021-05-21 (1)
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