Bucaramanga, between mining overexploitation or water preservation in the Santurbán moorland
Collective action, environmental conflicts, wasteland ecosystems, mining, water resourcesAbstract
The purpose of this article is to expose the concern raised by both the citizens of Bucaramanga, the capital city of the department of Santander located in northeastern Colombia and a territory that is torn between the need to preserve the water that arrives from the Santurbán wasteland and the importance of preserving the mining tradition in its nearby municipalities. To achieve this objective, semi-structured interviews were carried out with some residents of the rural area of the Santurbán páramo and a review of the periodical publications that circulated in 2010 and 2011 was found. This information was intertwined with some theoretical texts for understand the impact of environmental issues. One of the conclusions of this article is the obvious need to conserve the Santurbán páramo as a water support for Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area; which has led to the mobilization of much of the citizenship, despite the needs of other populations that derive their livelihood from small-scale mining
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