Negotiations or collective decisions? Family dynamics after a new baby


  • Pablo De Grande



Early childhood, family care arrangements, negotiation, deliberation, middle class


In previous decades, the participation of women in the labor market in Latin America has steadily grown. Consequently, the need to understand how are organized the routines and the relationships of those who are involved in these processes –facing new mobility scenarios, segmentation and redefnition of the labor and the family– has emerged. In this context, this paper analyzes how members of professional middle class households in the City of Buenos Aires make their family arrangements after the birth of a child. The main hypothesis is that the way the people involved responded to these changes and reorganized their everyday spaces are not primarily adjusted to the logic of intra-household negotiations, but instead it can be more adequately described by processes of collective decision occurred inside and outside the households.


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How to Cite

Negotiations or collective decisions? Family dynamics after a new baby. (2016). Entramado, 12(1), 222-232.

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