The corporate social responsibility
Institutional actions in curriculum strategic management
Currículum, high Education, strategic management, corporate social responsibilityAbstract
This article is based on the results of a study that was aimed to describe the progress of curriculum strategic management of the Corporate Social Responsibility in faculties of Economics and Administrative Sciences in Santiago de Cali, from the leadership role assumed by managers. The approach to the institutions was done using a level of descriptive analysis that incorporated the teleological, organizational and the teaching and research components, a purposive sample of 18 managers of 11 faculties. The results allowed to observe, first, that all faculties consider Corporate Social Responsibility in the general guidelines curriculum, however, it appears that is not being assumed in the actual practices that materialize curricular strategic management, as evidenced by other studies. That is, “from words to action” there is long way to go, a necessary synergy between theory and practice that enables its appropriation
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