Adaptive e-tutorship using students context in technology enhanced learning environments


  • Clara Inés Peña de Carrillo Université du Maine
  • Christophe Choquet Université du Maine


Context modeling, Model Driven Architecture, Technology Enhanced Learning, Instructional Design, Adaptive e-tutorship, Adaptive e-learning, Track Analysis, Usage Tracking Language, UTL


A context model for a pedagogical scenario explains its users (teachers, designers, and software developers) how a Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) environment will support an educational process so that its structure should express as clearly as possible all elements which compose it (at both of educational and software design levels) and their relationships and should allow making analysis of its behaviour for its future improvement. By means of this work the definition of a context modeling process for adapting tutorship acting during a learning activity in TEL environments is done. The solution will influence the auto regulation of teachers/instructors/ tutors/trainers’ acts concerning adaptive students’ guidance and assistance and also the maintenance and upgrading of teaching strategies/abilities and learning objects


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How to Cite

Adaptive e-tutorship using students context in technology enhanced learning environments. (2017). Entramado, 9(1), 240-252.

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