Quantification of culture in the context of the information society


  • Erik José Vera Mercado Universidad Libre
  • Gilberto Carrillo Caicedo Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Clara Inés Peña de Carrillo Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Julian Andrés Ariza Arias Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Diego José Acosta Escorcia Universidad Industrial de Santander


culture, communication, cultural values, cultural dimensions, cognition, ICT, information society


Culture is understood as a multidimensional construct which includes facets of artistic and spiritual expressions and intellectual and emotional values as well. The interpretation of culture has been an important factor in recent years to understand the relationships and the phenomena of social issues. This interpretation requires a model which implies the dimensions that make up the culture in order to facilitate their quantitative study and to support the popular qualitative descriptions. It is necessary to consider also the recognition of the remarkable influence of the information in the globalized society and the rapid advancement of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the increasing dependence of humanity on it. This work presents a recount of some of the models used for culture quantification, with the aim of giving support to an electronic government's architecture (Government to Citizens relationship), based on culture creation and refinement processes by means of the derived citizens behavior from technological acceptance approaches.


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How to Cite

Vera Mercado, E. J., Carrillo Caicedo, G., Peña de Carrillo, C. I., Ariza Arias, J. A., & Acosta Escorcia, D. J. (2017). Quantification of culture in the context of the information society. Entramado, 8(2), 232-251. https://revistas.unilibre.edu.co/index.php/entramado/article/view/3440

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