Multigenerational family businesses


  • Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt Universidad de la Sabana
  • José Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez Universidad de la Sabana
  • Natalia Zapata Cuervo Universidad de la Sabana


Multigenerational, family business, long-luved, successful, business, family, ownership, values, principies


This document is the research result, in which it was studied different models and theories from authors: Gallo, Amat, Klein, Montemerlo, Tomaselli, Cappuyns, Miller, Le Breton - Miller, Perez Lopez, Ward, Gomez-Betancourt, who defined the key factors that influence on the longevity and success of family businesses. Subsequently, the most relevant factors were analyzed and integrated into the model of multigenerational family businesses, which explains how individuals are influenced by principles and values. While owning families promote the values and principles of the society and the family inside the family business, each system has a purpose that motivates members to belong and achieve the expected results family business has.


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