A comparative analysis of the mechanisms for participation in the Colombian legal system. Successful experiences in the United States of America, Italy, Switzerland, and Uruguay
Participatory democracy, representative democracy, mechanisms for participation, mechanisms for representation, effective useAbstract
This paper examines the mechanisms for citizen participation, based on the Colombian political constitution of 1991, taking successful experiences in comparative law in a number of cases in the United States, Italy, Switzerland, and Uruguay as a role model. This analysis consists of a review of the introduction, regulations, and operation of these mechanisms, with a view to finding the causes for which they have not worked efficiently. The study concludes by demonstrating that these causes are linked to the manner in which rules are established, the object (topics) to be regulated, and the structure (processes) that is designed and built for proceduralization with regard to their functionality. It is as of that moment when their existence, configuration, and scope can be assessed for the purpose of establishing their compatibility and weighing their effective use.
2. Constitución de los Estados Unidos, 1787
3. Constitución de Italia, 1948.
4. Constitución de Suiza, 1999.
5. Constitución de Uruguay, 1996.
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