Arte poética y metaforismos
Habitancia en el pensamiento complejo
Pensamiento complejo, conocimiento complejo, poiesis, metáfora, metaforía, currículo, crisis de percepción, educación, la escuelaAbstract
The “poiesis” is the creation of new things, new realities and new ways to understand the reality. The “Complex knowledge (or thinking)”, must be understood as a knowledge able to try make conversation, to negotiate with what is real; must involve, necessarily, “the metaphor” as a possibility of creation and re-creation fo the world, looking for unfinded realities; finding the lost things; creating the un-created , using to it the plenty perception of the subject, because all of we have been into a “perception crisis” which does not leave us to create. The school must help us to think about the logic of the reality, because the curriculum has been losing the capacity to create new realities, new knowledges, new possibilities to understand the world and to re-created it.
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