La virtualidad en procesos educativos frente a retos sociales
el analfabetismo
Educación, Virtualidad, Analfabetismo, Modelos de NegociosAbstract
The new knowledge society has made learning processes more flexible than before, making it easier to obtain information. With the appearance of Open and Remote University, different ways of communication and knowledge production have started to replace scholastic institutions and books, that once where monopolies of the learning-education process. Now there are virtual surroundings, meaning: ”interaction spaces that do not require physical presence of the actors”, that allow people to learn through hypertexts, videoconferences, videogames, multimedia encyclopedias and virtual reality. Although those virtual tools enhance the learning-education process, they have not been used properly by public education. Private enterprises are very aware of the economic advantages and therefore use virtual tools for their business strategies. ThisUniarticle
presents different Information Systems and Technologies that can be used for the education of specially needy social sectors.
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