Automation for the monitoring and control of a generator with electric start
Engine generator sets, Gensets, Automation, field buses, sensorsAbstract
This work deals with the development of an automatic system to monitoring variables and controlling the process related to a threephasic genset with electric ignition. The process to be controlled is: the genset powering on and off; the connection and disconnection of the genset and the grid to the load, also called electric transfer, and the actuation of the preheating system. It was designed a distributed system, composed by five microcontrolled modules, which allows the capture and visualization of the most important variables related to a genset, together with a secure operation of the machine. An interesting point was the development of a communication bus that allows the exchange of information between the modules of the system, to a distance up to 20 m. To do this, it was adapted the I2C protocol, initially conceived to communicate integrated circuits located in the same board
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