Software Engineering and its application in the analysis of indicators of repeatability and reproducibility of judges in the process of evaluating the sensory profile Cocoa Liquor (Theobroma cacao L.)
Analysis of documents, Cocoa, requirements engineering, judge, sensorial profile, determination of requirementsAbstract
This research had like principal objective to determine the indicators of repeatability and reproducibility between the groups of judges and the judges alone, on processes of evaluation of sensorial profile of the cocoa liquor, with the use of an app using software engineering techniques. For this purpose, a descriptive study and an applied research was carried out starting with the knowledge management, in the area of sensorial evaluation of the cocoa, for the adaptation of a method of input and data processing, in software modules, whose outputs of mentioned indicators, result of two sessions performed, were compared against t-student tables to verify the existence or not of significant differences. As a result of the investigation, it was proved that the training of the judges was suitable and the established judgments on the project of evaluation of sowing models are trustable, and it is guaranteed that exists a repeatability degree for each judge and a reproducibility between judges with an error of 0,05% for both. It was verified with the use of knowledge management techniques and Software Engineering, in events of analysis of indicators on the process of evaluation of Sensorial Profile of Cocoa liquor (Theobroma cacao L.), guarantee the optimization of procedures related with the collection and processing data and with the output and validation of results
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