Model based on Kansei Engineering to design work environments in SMEs in the Bogota Metropolitan Area




Kansei Engineering, Work environment, SMEs, Emotional design, Principal component analysis, Neural networks, Multilayer perceptrón


The purpose of this research is to propose a model for the design of work environments in the SMEs Bogotá Metropolitan Area, taking as a guide the methodology of Kansei Engineering, with the support of instruments such as the survey and the semantic differential test, the neural networks (multilayer perceptron) for its validation.  A questionnaire is elaborated with the support of experts, and a pilot test is carried out to improve and evaluate the relevance of the questions. Using the SPSS Software, the statistical analysis was performed, applying the normality tests, performing Spearman correlations, principal component analysis, and linear regression to the resulting equations to understand the relationships between the studied perceptions and the work environment in general.  Subsequently, the multilayer perceptron was used as a neural network model to validate the relationships between the proposed variables and perceptions, allowing at the same time to determine the importance of the emotional dimensions in the design of work environments, from which it was possible to conclude that the application of Kansei Engineering for the design of work environments is possible.


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How to Cite

Fuentes-Rojas, E. A., Sáenz-Blanco F., & Leyva-Valdés J. A. (2024). Model based on Kansei Engineering to design work environments in SMEs in the Bogota Metropolitan Area. Entramado, 20(2), e-11024.

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