Social marketing: evolution and trends




Social problems, Lifestyles, Consumer Behavior, Public Health, Social Well-being


The relevance of social marketing continues to grow as it offers organizations the ability to foster behaviors that are beneficial to individuals. This directly contributes to the solution of a variety of social problems, spanning areas such as health, education, social inclusion, and the environment. At the same time, it presents itself as an effective tool that allows companies to establish a genuine connection with their audience, thereby nurturing their loyalty and commitment. Given the importance of the topic, this document performs an analysis of the evolution and trends that have framed the global research on Social Marketing. To achieve this, a search is conducted in the Scopus and WoS databases. The obtained records are divided into classic documents, structural documents, and trend-oriented documents, using bibliometric tools. The results allowed the identification of three main lines of research on the topic, the first one analyzes the theoretical evolution of SM, the second one deals with public health matters and prevention campaigns, and the third one examines interventions through nutrition programs and eating behaviors. Based on the findings, a work plan is suggested for future research involving the topic.


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Author Biographies

  • Pedro Duque, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales - Colombia

    Ph.D. in administration. Professor, Department of Economics and Administration, member of the research group in socioeconomic studies and organizational problems, Universidad de Caldas, Manizales, Colombia. Associate researcher Minciencias. CvLac:

  • Mario Cárdenas, Universidad Católica Luis Amigo, Medellín - Colombia

    Master's student in administration, Universidad Católica Luis Amigo, Medellín, Colombia. CvLac:

  • Sebastian Robledo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales - Colombia

    Ph.D. in industry and organizations.Professor Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Manizales - Colombia Associate researcher Minciencias CvLac:


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