Development of a hybrid control algorithm for magnetorheogical dampers to optimize the dynamic response in frames




Genetic algorithms, Fuzzy logic, Magnetorheological dampers, Structural control


This research presents a methodology to optimize control forces in buildings, which are subjected to seismic loads. A control system called CLF-MR_1 was developed, which combines a genetic algorithm of non-dominated classification NSGA-II and a control system based on fuzzy logic. The controller was numerically evaluated in a real 96 m high building, in which 6 MR magnetorheological dampers were installed. The structure was subjected to 8 earthquake accelerations with different frequency ranges. The input parameters for the proposed control system were the displacements and velocities of the first floor of the building and the only output parameter was the voltage of the MR devices. The efficiency of CLF-MR_1 was compared with a second controller called CLF-MR_2, which operates using an inference system based on linguistic parameters. Results obtained show that CLF-MR_1 significantly improves the dynamic response of the building, compared to the results obtained with CLF-MR_2 and the uncontrolled condition of the building.


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Author Biographies

  • David Marcelo Bedoya-Zambrano, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín - Colombia

    Occasional Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín - Colombia

  • Luis Augusto Lara Valencia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín - Colombia

    Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin Campus - Colombia

  • John Jairo Blandón-Valencia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín - Colombia

    Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin Campus - Colombia


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How to Cite

Development of a hybrid control algorithm for magnetorheogical dampers to optimize the dynamic response in frames. (2023). Entramado, 20(1), e-10270.

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